Where did the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs land

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Who killed The Dinosaurs



What you hear About Dinosaurs is true?


‏About 66 million years ago there lived a creature called dinosaurs. Some of these dinosaurs were so large that they were 100 to 100 feet tall. The doomsday came to the dinosaurs, which appeared so big on earth, when an asteroid hit our earth, which caused immense destruction. It was such a big rock, its diameter was 10 to 15 km. Where it hit, it formed a crater as deep as 20 kilometers and its width spread up to 180 kilometers.


Ominous clouds formed which cast deep darkness over ‏the earth as this rock fell, it spread fire on the whole earth that everything turned into ashes and from this fall there was also the most severe earthquake. The clouds blocked the sunlight completely, due to which the temperature of the earth fell so low that it became so cold that the dinosaurs died, and the rest of the dinosaurs also died due to acid rain. Eliminated 75% of organisms.


Now the question arises whether this story that we have been hearing since the beginning is true or just like a story – whatever questions you may have related to dinosaurs in your mind, I hope that will clear them all.


Who killed The Dinosaurs?


So who was the killer? About 65-66 million years ago, 75% of life on Earth died out. It has your favorite Dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex, Brontosaurus, Spinosaurus all extinct. Rather, you who are descendants of Dinosaurs are birds. The largest mammals at that time were the size of mice, they did not grow large because if they were large mammals, they would have been eaten by dinosaurs.


But after the extinction of dinosaurs, mammals got a chance to grow and after many millions of years, eventually after evolution, they also became humans. Now they also speak in Urdu, English, Italian, Hindi. But the question is that these What are the dinosaurs and how did what was then the remaining 75% of life end?


Impact killed the Dinosaurs!


This is a very interesting biological mystery. If we were doing this in the 1970s, we would have said that we don’t know why the dinosaurs ended. But in 1980 there was a father and son team, both of them physicists, and they hypothesized that an asteroid or comet had hit the earth and that was the end of these animals and plants.


In the beginning, no one took his words seriously, but in the late 1980s, a crater was discovered in Mexico, a large crater that is under water, it is about 150 km across and 20 km deep when scientists on this crater. Let’s research it was formed 66 million years ago. So it would be coincidental if a large entire crater was formed and 75% of life also ended.


Now the idea of ​​how big this asteroid or comet was is the estimate of astronomers or the estimate of physicists. It was a body as big as 10 to 15 km. That asteroid or comet came and collided with it.


I went and it blocked the sun. And the idea is that because of this, for some period of time, for many thousands of years, photosynthesis has also stopped to a great extent, because of which the vegetation, which is the plants, all started to disappear and the animals that were the plants. Those who lived by eating began to die, and the animals that ate those animals also began to die.


Asteroid killed dinosaurs



That is why the small animals that needed less food like small mammals survived but the big animals like tyrannosaurus rex, Brontosaurus, Spinosaurus could not survive. It was a good theory, but the question was, well, this asteroid or comet came and hit at that time, but did it cause the end of the dinosaurs or was there some other reason?






Super-Volcanos can kill too Dinosaurs.


It was a good theory, but the question was, well, this asteroid or comet came and hit at that time, but did it cause the end of the dinosaurs or was there some other reason? But this question arises because at that time there was a lot of volcanic activity that was going on above the earth. If it was identified by geologists as super-volcanos, astronomers call it Deccan Traps.


Volcano Activity


Its average was about 500,000 square kilometers that its lava spread and two kilometers deep. After that there was a few years of such lava activity which released a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and caused the temperature to drop on Earth. So the idea was that maybe life was already going towards extension.


When the asteroid hit, the idea in the last ten or twenty years was that it was a combination of these things that extended the dinosaurs and ended the rest of life. Volcanism had been going on for millions of years, temperatures were rising, life was weakening. Then an asteroid hit the Earth and killed 75% of life.


But some time ago a new research paper came out which analyzed cross samples. They took samples very deep in the north ocean. And the samples tell you if you find life in it or something like algae when you analyze it, it tells you what the temperature of the Earth was. And you can trace this million years ago, ten million years, fifty million years, hundred million years, they accurately determined that the temperature of the earth at that time.


earth temperature peek


It was two hundred thousand years before the expansion of dinosaurs. And when the dinosaurs ended, when the asteroid or comet came and hit, the temperature of the earth had become normal by that time. This means that if this study is correct, it means that the extension of dinosaurs is not due to the combination of asteroid comet and volcano, but only this. It was caused by impact.


Lesson for Humans


In a sense, it is a lesson for us too, if the dinosaurs ended 65 million years ago due to the impact of an asteroid, such impacts can occur tomorrow, that is why there are many astronomers, they identify such asteroids or comets that are close to Earth and hit up. So far, there is no such candidate that poses a real threat to us. And then we can still categorize them with the predictable orbits of asteroids, but comets, there are many such comets, are coming towards the interior of the solar system for the first time, so if they are coming towards our earth, we will not be able to do anything.



New Study About the impact Crater


But before I finish this, I want to tell you about another new interesting study that astronomers have found that when an asteroid or comet hits, after some years it happened 67 years ago. Millions of years ago but we know it


Blue Green Elgae


A few years later, blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, had grown over the crater. Now this blue green algae actually produces oxygen and observes carbon dioxide. Historically it is blue green algae above the earth that basically populated the oxygen in the atmosphere. This blue-green algae had returned to the top of the crater a few years after the impact and was thriving. So the question is, how did the scientists know that it had arrived after a few years.


So this is a very amazing study, this is how they found out, the scientists took some core samples, they tell you what kind of layers they are, how they were deposited, they give you information about this stuff. Which is blue green algae, they release some fats and those fats can survive for several million years, so scientists found that it is a layer of fossil plants, this layer is due to tsunami.


When the asteroid hit the earth


When the asteroid hit the earth, the tsunami came and all these plants and trees were deposited on top of the layer, which led to the discovery of blue-green algae. Well, after the impact tsunami came, after a few hours or a day, the blue-green algae deposit took place. But in these core samples, it was found that there is another layer of iridium on top of the blue-green algae.


Iridium is a rare element that is found in the earth’s crust and also on asteroids. Due to this impact, this iridium is in our atmosphere and after a few years that iridium was deposited back on the earth, but this was the impact theory. That’s how we found it is actually correct because all over the earth if you look at 66 million years ago, salambus comes up on top of iridium.


So this blue-green algae is below the iridium layer and the tsunami plants are above them, in between the two, which means that this blue-green algae was populated only a few years after the impact. That is, life being what it is survives and thrives after this kind of activity, but if you are dinosaurs, that is not good news for them, but it is a good thing for life that it can survive.

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