Jupiter: JWST Note Something Wrong is Happening With Jupiter

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James Webb Space Telescope discovered the first galaxy, James Webb Space Telescope proved the Multiverse Theory, JWST also proved the existence of Alien. Now recently JWST has also revealed many secrets. We know enough about Jupiter such as:

  • It is a Biggest Planet
  • It is a Gas Giant Planet
  • One of the Oldest Planets

Did you know that Jupiter also has rings like Saturn? Jupiter also has aurora forms and did you know that Jupiter’s moon also has a magnetic field. Despite being so far from the Sun, Jupiter’s core is the second hottest core in the Solar System. All these things have been told to us by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Jupiter Story


The story of Jupiter begins 4.5 billion years ago when the Sun was just born. That is, Jupiter is one of the biggest and oldest planet in our solar system. Eventually this planet was named ‘Jove’ also known as Jupiter. Even though we have known about it for thousands of years, Jupiter, the oldest planet of our solar system, did not even know what its core was like, solid or lava. To find out, NASA sent the Juno Probe to study Jupiter on 5th August, 2011. Today, it has been ten years since its launch, but Jupiter still holds many secrets.

To help the Juno Probe, NASA sent other telescopes around Jupiter like the James Webb Space Telescope, Gemini Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope.

James Webb Space Telescope

First, Juno and Hubble Space Telescope read the surface of Jupiter with the help of UV and Visible Light Detectors because it had Gamini Observatory inside it to study the atmosphere. Few were able to study in depth. But now the James Webb Space Telescope is keeping an eye on Jupiter through infrared.

Sure, Jupiter’s surface freezes you like ice, but Jupiter’s core is the second-hottest core in our solar system. Even NASA does not know the reason behind this, that’s why NASA scientists believe that it is very important to study Jupiter.

From the pictures taken with the help of UV, we know that. The light and dark bands above Jupiter are actually separate gases moving at 644 km/hr in opposite directions. But the opposite flowing band of gases created a storm in Jupiter’s southern hemisphere about 400 years ago that you may have seen in many pictures. It is such a powerful storm that it can swallow two Earth-like lands within itself. Scientists were trying to understand this storm, then one thing came out – the great red spot.

Jupiter Large Storm in the Solar System

That is, something is happening that is stopping this storm. Its knowledge can also help prevent our Earth’s storms.

James Webb Space Telescope take Jupiter image filter

Now look at the same image. This image was captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s Near Infrared Camera (NINCAM). This picture is a mixture of three different colors Red, Blue and Green. First, the red filter in this image shows a faint gas cloud filled with AMMONIA and Ice Crustal, and then the Aurora Shines hovering above them. It has so many Aurora Shines that it can generate 100 Terawatts of electricity. Even one lakh power plants cannot produce this much electricity.


How Aurora Shines Form


It is not the sun but the moon that produces the Aurora. Not one moon but three moons that produce the Aurora Shines. IO, Europa and Ganymede these three moons orbit Jupiter in a 4:2:1 orbit. When IO completes four orbits of Jupiter, Europa completes two orbits and the third moon Ganymede completes one orbit. The charged particles of Volcanically Active Corruption of IO go to Jupiter and Europa because Jupiter’s moon Europa also has a magnetic field, so at the same time Aurora Shines are formed on Jupiter.


How the Great Red Spot Forms


If we now look at the same picture more closely, Jupiter’s Gaseous Bands are also very beautiful. Actually its atmosphere is made up of organic gases like Ammonia Crystals, Hydrogen, Helium and Methane. Now among them Hydrogen and Helium are light and they are towards the top and methane gas is heavy and it is towards the bottom. Now there is hot core below and cold space above. Now the Methane Gas heats up from the bottom and becomes lighter and moves upwards and the upper gas cools and becomes heavier due to which the upper gas comes down. Due to this movement, the largest storm in our solar system, The Great Red Spot, has been created.

But it is shrinking with Red Spot time. If I say that this storm is not shrinking, but it is moving upward. Now imagine that Jupiter is a massive planet whose core is almost as hot as the Sun and is made of the same material as the Sun, and as we have seen it is made of Hydrogen and Helium like the Sun. So what were the chances that our solar system would have had two suns instead of one but the answer is no.


Jupiter is Failed Star or Star?


But many people believe that Jupiter is a failed star. When the Solar System was being formed, our planet Jupiter played a more important role than the Sun. It saved many incoming asteroids by pulling their gravity towards them and saving other planets.

Jupiter was in such a place due to which it could not gain as much mass as the Sun. If Jupiter wants to become a small star today, it has to gain mass at least 85 times from its present mass. Jupiter has to gain mass at least 12 times if it has to become a failed star. Even if Jupiter absorbs all the asteroids between Jupiter and Mars, it will not become a failed star. So yes Jupiter is a failed star is myth.


Thankfully, all these problems have been removed by the James Webb Space Telescope.

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