Cosmic Rays and Earth Magnetic Field

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Cosmic rays are high-energy particles (primarily protons and atomic nuclei), constantly raining on Earth, that originate from various sources in the Universe, such as supernova explosions, accretion of matter by a supermassive black hole, or pulsars and magnetars



Cosmic Supernova Explosion


In this stunning composited image based on Hubble Space Telescope data, scattered debris from a cosmic supernova explosion lights up the sky. These brilliant filaments of shocked gas, known as N49, extend approximately 30 light-years in our neighboring galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud.


Cosmic Supernova Explosion
Credit: Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA), Y. Chu (UIUC) et al., NASA


The light from the first exploding star reached Earth millions of years ago, but N49 also indicates the location of another energetic outburst — an incredibly violent explosion of gamma-rays discovered by satellites on March 5, 1979. That date marked the start of an extraordinary journey in astrophysics that brought astronomers to a knowledge of an unusual new class of stars.


The “March 5th Event” is currently attributed to a magnetar, which is a strongly magnetized, spinning neutron star that was also born in the ancient stellar explosion that produced supernova remnant N49. The magnetar travels at almost 1,200 km per second through the supernova debris cloud.



Relativistic Jets


Relativistic Jets


When matter is attracted towards a black hole, it can ricochet (bounce) off the event horizon and be thrown forth instead of being dragged in. Bright jets of material at near-relativistic speeds are produced. Although the black hole itself cannot be detected, these massive jets can be observed from afar.



Cosmic Radiation Record in December


The deadline is January 30, 2023.  The magnetosphere is a massive magnetic field that surrounds the Earth. Our magnetosphere, which was created by powerful, dynamic forces at the planet’s core, protected us from solar wind (charged particles that our Sun constantly spews at us), erosion and particle radiation from coronal mass ejections (massive clouds of energetic and magnetized solar plasma and radiation), and cosmic rays from deep space and other passing stars.


Cosmic Radiation Record in December


Our magnetosphere played the role of gatekeeper, repelling this unwanted energy that’s harmful to life on Earth. It used to trap most of it a safe distance from Earth. For the past few years now though Earth has been absorbing all of that energy as the strength of Earth’s magnetic field kept weakening the further the magnetic North and South pole migrated from their positions that kept our planet stable. And now we have been notified that Earth’s core has stopped spinning. So we sit and wait for further data and an update as to its current position.


Earth has labored for two and a half hours so far today. Those are powerful North and South pole Polarcap magnetic field lines of energy discharges off of Earth. Cosmic radiation in, cosmic radiation out. Energy in, Energy out. It’s already causing untold mayhem. It’s destroying the planet within, whole, and above us.



Cosmic Radiation Record in September


Earth’s protective magnetic field is weakening rapidly now due to the magnetic North and South pole migration, the magnetic reversal taking place right now; the ongoing Pole Shift. Earth’s poles are getting ready to flip.


Cosmic Radiation Record in September


Earth’s protective magnetic field is weakening rapidly now due to the magnetic North and South pole migration, the magnetic reversal taking place right now; the ongoing Pole Shift. Earth’s poles are getting ready to flip.


It’s allowing more and more cosmic radiation into our atmosphere which penetrates the Earth, exciting magma activity and growth which in turn is creating accelerated water evaporation and pumping that vapor into the sky at record rates.


The increased highly charged particles from the influx of cosmic radiation pouring in is providing an exponential increase of condensation nuclei that is attracting more aerosols, dust and moisture creating a denser, thicker and heavier atmosphere. It’s compressing the atmosphere.


 It’s called Atmospheric Compression. 


That’s why these massive cloud formations are manifesting in greater size and frequency and are getting lower and lower to the ground around the world. That’s what’s causing record global perception totals and all the record flooding and hail we are witnessing.


The jet stream is being pulled down by its own weight now. That’s why it’s a mangled and contorted mess right now. That’s what’s causing the blocking and stalling weather patterns. From one extreme to another. Record cold, record heat, record droughts and record rains.


The lower the jet stream gets the higher the wind speeds at lower altitudes and ground levels. Nothing is normal anymore. And it’s about to get worse.



Cycle Core Cosmic Rays


Guardians of the Crystal Core” 2023

Early this year [2023], the planet joins the cosmic energy cycle during the hierogamic occurrence of the cosmic twin global Melchizedek Suns.


The next universe’s awareness units, rays, and light creatures are in sync with the Paliadorian bond, the crystal star, and the unit intellect. They are known as Aurora families. Krystal Star collaborates with Aurora families to create Aurora Platforms, which are safe zones that transcend the reversal fields generated by the frequency fence and the NET on Earth.


The Aurora Platforms allow access to the passageway leading to the Ascension Earth realm in Andromeda, this is the Aquarelle Matrix that transmits the Mother Aqua-Ray Daughter codes into the Earth’s Crystal Caves. Hence the Aquarelle genetic lines came through the Sirius-B portal to Earth, and those who remain on Earth are the natural keepers of the Crystal Core.



Cosmic Energy Cycle


During the hierogamic event of the cosmic twin universal Melchizedek Suns earlier this year [2023], the planet entered the cosmic energy cycle, with the central core of the cosmic spirit body layers opening to transmit ghost cell clusters containing the core memory cell of the first creation to the eternal spirit family of each single individual. This event also opened the door to the Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix, which contains many Solar Reisha worlds filled with various mother lines of Yanas Ascended Masters, many of which are linked to the original Blue Flame Melchizedek, Mu’a, and Aquarelle lines, which serve as the Keepers of the Crystal Core.


Subsequently, the construction of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades will continue at high speed and significant intensity to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture in the 10D portals for the return of the Cosmic Mother SunReisha -Sophian- Lines throughout the planetary matrix.

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