We Might Survive the End of the Universe after end of Earth

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We humans have been living on Earth at the end of universe for many thousands of years, and in these thousands of years, we have made a lot of progress. We have faced major natural disasters and have survived them and we have continued to move forward. But still scientists are so concerned about the destructions being caused by us towards nature that one of the most brilliant scientist of the century Sir Stephen Hawking also predicted that if humans do not explore and other planet with in the next 100 years, the entire human civilization will be extinct due to climate change.



We see end of universe?


Not only that, but every other day some scientists raises the claim that humanity will cease to exist on Earth forever between the next 100 to 1000 years. But amidst all this pessimism, let me give you some good news, good news is that human civilization will not only conquer the solar system, but also explored the entire universe with its own eyes and perhaps after the end of this universe, it will even began to dwell in some corner of the multiverse.


2 Difficult task out Earth


Let’s talk about the present before delving into the future. Currently the planet that we consider the safest in the entire universe is undoubtedly our Earth, because in today’s time, every living human being is either residing on Earth or in the space station built near earth.


Earth Safest Planet in all our universe



In the past 6 million years, the way we humans have spent our time on this planet is extraordinary, due to which it is necessary for us to feel safe in this place but despite all these things, there are two dangers from which we are always surrounded by the shadow of death.


The first one is obviously that risk of collision with any celestial body present in space.

The second concern in the threat of a dangerous solar storm emanating from the Sun that can sustain human life. Which has the potential to render earth Uninhabitable.


Now, if we respect and honor the earth and nature and refrain from exploiting them, then avoiding these 2 danger is not a very difficult task. we have already learned how to deflect asteroids, and very soon in the next stage, we will also learn to deal with larger asteroids. It will take us an arduous 40 to 50 years of time and after that, nothing like the asteroid threat will exist.


Solar storms emanating from the Sun, the development of hypothetical cosmic equipment like sun shields is not impossible. As a reference, if we were to start working on such a sunshield today which after installing it in space, it can detect solar storm and cover that part of the Earth. If we can produce energy from reject the impact on the solar system then not only will be free from this danger.


If both of these possibilities are true which has a very high chances of being true, then our planet can comfortably sustain humanity for the next billion years.



What Happens after 1 billion years?


As we know the Sun is gradually expanding our time


Our sun expand


Even 100 million years our son expands by approximately 1% which means it’s size, will increase by up to 10% in 1 billion years. As our sun increase in size by 10%, according to its size, it will not only bring the Earth closer to the sun, but due to this proximity, the Earth will also receive more sunlight and heat than before, which would increase the temperature of our planet and raise it to 350 degrees Celsius.


Life exist in 350°C.


Now it’s common sense that no object can remain stable on earth at a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius. Even if it’s just water. But one truth is that due to the Sun’s larger size, the habitable zone of our solar system will extend. It means an area where the heat and light from a star fall in a sufficient quantity to sustain a life-form.


Habitable Zone


No, even if we lose humans from the Earth  but considering the current growth of a billion years there is a good amount of time for the entire human civilization to shift to the planet Mars.



Life on Mars in future?


The Water supply synthesized by us will have an additional advantage when the increasing temperature causes the ice caps to melt on the planet Mars.


Mars and Earth Comparison


Which compared to earth, account for only 6% to 27% approximately. However, since this water is most probably hundred percent fresh water. Therefore in terms of drinking capacity, this amount of water appears to be more significant compared to earth’s figures.



Life on Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moon in future?


In case, in the coming years the sun will expand which it will indeed do and it has also made the planet Mars inhabitable. Still, we will not be lacking in options. Although we cannot go to Jupiter and Saturn because the pressure there is very high and there is no solid surface but the moons of these two planets are very useful in this matter.


Jupiter’s moon Europa is a good alternative, where there is three times more water than on Earth and if Europa also proved to be unproductive in the next 700 to 800 million years then we can shift to Saturn’s moon Titan, which has an atmosphere that closely resembles Earth’s.


Now overall, as an estimate, our sun will continue to burn in the same way for the next 4.5 billion years. But still, we believe at maximum that the human race can remain risk free on Titan from today until 4 billion years later.



Can we Change our Star


We will stay alive until the end of the Universe, and the universe is supposed to exist for much longer than 4 billion years. So, as a solution, well we have to shift near another star? Well, the answer to that is both yes and no.


Look in the Universe


Look, in the universe, stars also come in in different types and sizes, and it heavily depends on the type and size of a star how long it will exist.


Now the larger a star is, the more quickly it burns out its fuel, which causes its lifespan to become shorter. However, in comparison the smaller stars do not need to burn a significant amount of fuel in their cores to produce light and heat. And due to the same reason, while stars like our sun can last for only a few billion years.


Specifically. A red dwarf star can continue burning for many trillion years. Now without any interference or causing a major solar storm risk to its nearby planets.


It would talk from the viewpoint of Earth our closest star is Proxima Centauri itself, which is a red dwarf star. Now based on the size and brightness, some reports claim that Proxima Centauri will continue to burn for the next 4 trillion years and sustainable maintain Proxima Centauri B within its habitable zone.


Technology to go other star?


Now we had not even started space travel a century ago, and today we have already gone beyond the solar system, also galaxy. Now if we compare 100 years of progress to 4 billion years, you can imagine to what extent we will progress in the future in terms of interstellar space.


No doubt through highest level of intelligence it will still take an estimated 8 to 10 years of travel time, according to current principles to reach Proxima Centauri. But it is also highly possible that in the future using techniques such as cold storage or different technologies, we might be able to extend human lifespan and extent that even after 8 to 10 years of Cold travel, minimal physical changes are observed in the human body.


To prevent such extreme changes in temperature in certainly possible, and even if we start seeing such changes in the coming 50 years, there should be no surprise.



All of these thing possible?


All these beautiful dreams can only come true if we respect nature and do not exploit it. But if we talk about the present time, we are only exploiting nature and we are not saving it from anywhere.


  • Trees are being cut down everywhere.
  • Factories are being set up.
  • Air pollution is setting new records every year.
  • Water pollution also increase.
  • And many reasons also.


Some reports even claim that if we continue on the path humanity could face the 6 mass extinction with in the next week decades, after which the survival of humans in short. For these very reasons, we appeal to you today to contribute as much as possible from your end to save nature.


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